and initially was functioned as a special education unit for people with learning difficulties on the Markora Street in Athens.
Educational programs and modern for that time methods, were implemented by experienced personnel to achieve the maximum potentials of learning and social functioning of people with learning difficulties. Furthermore lectures from relevant professionals, publication of magazine, education and psychological support to family members were aimed to the increase of social awareness around those problems.
However the accumulation of experiences, the new therapeutic approaches, and the change of needs have inspired us for essential changes and led us to serious transformations and adaptations.
In February 2008 the Institute was moved in a particularly attended and modern space in 25 Teo Street in Athens and is licensed as a Day Care Centre. The environment constitutes a more normal life-style for both the client and his/her family while offering the optimal therapeutic services.
Therefore under the circumstances the aims of Institute have been changed. We implement intensive therapeutic programs at individual level and in groups. We emphasise in the development of self-care, social, cognitive and emotional development to achieve the maximum abilities for independent living.
Furthermore we have accepted and trained students or other relevant professionals from different universities e.g. Fontys (Holland), University of Crete, and students from polytechnics.
In the same line in collaboration with the Research and Academic Institute of Athens we keep up to date the scientific developments by carrying out research about the services evaluation and the development of outcome measurements.
Managers: Aegli Konstantopoulou - Tryfon Zahariadis